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Wiggy ()
SexMaleClick to enlarge
Attracted toFemales
Searching forFellow gamers!
Month of birthSep
Year of birth1983
SmokingI am SO not smoking!
Drinking1 coke, please!
DrugsI am NOT touching that shit!
PoliticsAll the same to me!
Wiggy s team
Wiggy WanderersWiggy 3161
What rocks and what sucks
This rocksThis sucks
Sports, having fun, Motorcycles The idea of working till your deathbed for the government to screw u at the end.
The good stuff
Favorite game type 1 Role-Playing Games
Favorite game type 2 Fighting Games
Favorite game type 3 As long as they're good
Favorite game Lineage 2
Favorite artist Nick Tomlinson
Favorite movie Monty Python
Favorite actor Johnny Depp
Favorite actress Julianna Rose Mauriello
Favorite author Douglas Adams
Favorite book Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy
This is me!
A big heavy cripple