Plouf's Java IRC Client Applet ------------------------------ Webmaster's manual ------------------ Concepts -------- Thank you for using PJIRC! You'll find in this document all information you might need in order to understand what is PJIRC, how it works and how to install it. Please read it before asking questions on forums or even directly to the author. PJIRC is an IRC client, just like Opera is a HTTP client. PJIRC is just another front-end for the well-known IRC network. You're supposed to be familiar with the IRC concepts. If not, you should try to find more information about it before going further in this document and trying to install and use PJIRC. PJIRC has two distinct parts : the IRC engine and the GUI. The IRC engine handles all the boring and uninteresting stuff such as managing the connection, formatting messages and so on. You might think of it as being the "kernel". On the other hand, the GUI is responsible for displaying the result with a nice layout using plenty of CPU-consuming graphical stuff and so on. There are several PJIRC GUI's, and you can choose the one you prefer. You might think of them as "skins", but they are much more than that. The standard PJIRC package comes with a default GUI, the "Pixx GUI". You should find its specific documentation within this package. This document will only describe the IRC engine part. Files ----- The following files are part of the IRC engine : IRCApplet.class : Main Applet class file. irc.jar : IRC Engine for non-IE VM, signed mode. : IRC Engine for IE VM, both mode. : IRC Signed specific part engine for IE VM, signed mode. irc-unsigned.jar : IRC Engine for non-IE VM, unsigned mode. The cab files are only recognized by Internet Explorer. jar files are recognized by other Browsers or Java Virtual Machines. The class file is some kind of "executable file", think of it as being the "file that you execute" when you launch PJIRC. PJIRC can works in the modes : the "signed" mode and the "unsigned" mode. It is recommanded that you use the "signed" mode unless you have specific reasons to switch to unsigned mode. The mode PJIRC uses depends of the file you will tell it to use in the HTML Applet Fragment (see below). Build ----- The unsigned IRC Engine can be built using the following javac compiler commands : javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\style\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\tree\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\dcc\prv\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\gui\prv\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\gui\common\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\ident\prv\*.java javac -nowarn -g:none -O -target 1.1 irc\gui\prv\*.java Installation ------------ Just upload the files you need, in regard to the mode (signed or unsigned) you want. Upload any extra files, such as language files or images and sound. Applet html fragment -------------------- Using signed mode and the Pixx GUI, the following minimal applet fragment should work just fine : Test your applet ---------------- A test tool is available at This tool will detect common errors and mistakes. What is a server? ----------------- A server is any entity the client (PJIRC) connects to. There are three types of servers : - IRC server : usually referred as "the server", this is the server PJIRC was designed to connect to. - DCC server : a DCC (for Direct Client to Client) is a special server for handling direct connections to other clients. - Null server : the Null server is a ghost server, physically connected to nothing. What is a source? ----------------- The term "source" will be used throughout the remaining of this document. In short, a "source" stands for any "window" that can receive or send text or data to or from a server. A Channel is a Source, bound to an IRC server. A DCCChat is also a source, but bound to a DCC server. Here is the list of all known sources : - Default : not bound to anything (bound to the Null server), the Default source is used to handle any server-independent operations. This source cannot be left. It is only present if multiserver support is enabled. - Status : bound to an IRC server, the Status is used for any IRC server-specific operations or notifications. Leaving this source will lead to the server disconnection and eventually to all any sources related to this server. This source is unique and cannot be left is multiserver support is disabled. - Query : bound to an IRC server, the Query is a private chat between two clients, via the IRC server. This source can be left at any time. - Channel : bound to an IRC server, the Channel is a public room where many clients can chat, via the IRC server. This source can be left at any time, provided it is not restricted to do so by the application configuration. Leaving this source may sometimes take several seconds since a feedback from the server is required. - ChanList : bound to an IRC server, the ChanList enumerates the listing of all available Channels on the IRC server. This source can be left at any time. - DCCChat : bound to a DCC server, the DCCChat is a private chat between two clients, via the DCC server. This source can be left at any time. Leaving this source will lead to the DCC server disconnection. - DCCFile : bound to a DCC server, the DCCFile is a special source used for transmitting files from a client to another, via the DCC server. This source can be left at any time. Leaving this source will lead to the DCC server disconnection. Parameters ---------- parameters are passed to the applet via the following syntax : Mandatory parameters -------------------- nick : default nick to be used. '?' characters will be replaced by random numbers. Example : will tell the applet to use nicks such as Guest47 fullname : "real" user name, sent to IRC server. Example : host : IRC server host. Example : gui : PJIRC graphical user interface. Example : Optional parameters ------------------- port : IRC server port. By default, the port is 6667. ---- Example : commandX, with X a figure : Tells the applet to execute this command once -------- connected to the server. The first command MUST be command1, and there can be no "gap" in the numbers : the command14 MUST be after command13, and NOT after command12. If the command is not prefixed by /, then the string is passed as it to the server. Otherwise, it is sent through the status window interpretor. Example : language : sets the langage to be used. The name corresponds to a langage file -------- that must be accessible from the applet. For example, if there is a file lang/mylang.lng, then you may enter value="lang/mylang". By default, the langage is english. Example : quitmessage : sets the quit message. By default, this message is empty. ----------- Example : asl : enable or disable asl handling. Asl (for age, sex and localtion) is --- parsed from the full user name. Other parts of the software may behave differently provided the nick is male or female, its age, and so on... The full name format is expected to be "age sex localtion", for instance "22 m Belgium". By default, asl is disabled. Example : aslmale : set the string corresponding to the male gender in the full name for ------- asl parsing. Default value is "m". Example : aslfemale : set the string corresponding to the female gender in the full name --------- for asl parsing. Default value is "f". Example : aslunknown : set the string corresponding to the unknown gender in the full ---------- name for asl parsing. Default value is "x". Example : useinfo : replace the status window by the info window. The info window acts ------- exactly as the status window, but only shows motd and welcome messages. Since whois etc... results are no more shown, popup commands such as whois, finger, etc... are disabled. By default, the info window is disabled. Example : soundbeep : set the beep sound. The beep sound is the sound played when the --------- /beep command is used. The file must be in .au format. Example : soundquery : set the incoming private sound. The sound is played when a new ---------- private source is opened. Example : password : set the server password on connection. -------- Example : alternatenick : set the alternate nickname, to be used if primary nickname is ------------- already used on the server. Example : languageencoding : set the language file encoding to be used. If not ---------------- specified, default encoding will be used. Example : authorizedjoinlist : set the list of channels the user is authorized to join. ------------------ Syntax is "all-#channel1-#channel2-..." or "none+#channel1+#channel2+...". By default, authorized join list is "all". Example : authorizedleavelist : set the list of channels the user is authorized to ------------------- leave. Syntax is "all-#channel1-#channel2-..." or "none+#channel1+#channel2+...". By default, authorized leave list is "all". Example : authorizedcommandlist : set the list of command the user is athorized to do. --------------------- Syntax is "all-command1-command2-..." or "none+command1+command2+...". By default, authorized command list is "all". Don't prefix the command with the / character. Example : coding : specify what encoding algorithm should be used for sending the text ------ to the irc server. By default, encoding 1 is used. Values are : 0 : strict ascii, MSB is dropped, shouldn't be used. 1 : pjirc unicode to ascii protocol, charcode is sent as it if below than \u0x00ff. Should be used if pjirc is used with other non UTF-8 compatible clients. 2 : UTF-8 3 : local charset coding, should be avoided when possible for compatibility reasons Example : lngextension : modify the default lng file extension. By default, lng ------------ extension is "lng". Example : userid : set the userid. The user id will be used for ident id and for ------ user name at connect-time. If the id is empty, then full name will be used for id, and nickname will be used as username at connect time. By default, userid is empty. Example : autoconnection : set whether the applet should try to trigger connection -------------- as soon at it is launched. By default, the applet will try to connect. Example : useidentserver : enable or disable the ident server. By default, the -------------- server is enabled. Example : mutliserver : enable or disable the multiserver support. By default, ----------- multiserver is disabled. Example : alternateserverI : set the Ith alternate server. Syntax is ---------------- "host port" or "host port password". Example : serveralias : set the default server alias. By default, server alias ----------- is empty string. Example : noasldisplayprefix : set the "no display asl" full name prefix. If the ------------------ user's full name begins with this prefix, then the floating asl window won't be displayed. An empty string disables this feature. By default, prefix is disabled. Example : pluginX : set the Xth plugin to be loaded at startup. ------- Example : soundwordX : set the Xth sound configuration. Syntax is "word sound". When ---------- "word" is detected in a message, then "sound" is played. Example : fingerreply : set the finger reply. ----------- Example : userinforeply : set the user info reply. ------------- Example : fileparameter : URL to the file containing all PJIRC parameters. ------------- The configuration file format is the same as the pjirc.cfg file. If other parameters are specified using the html tags, they will be mixed. Example : aslseparatorstring : set the asl separator string. When the ASL parser ------------------ reach this string, the parsing stops and any text being found after this string (including the separator) will be ignored. Example : allowdccchat : set whether dcc chat is allowed. By default, this is ------------ true. Example : allowdccfile : set whether dcc file is allowed. By default, this is ------------ true. Example : disablequeries : disable all queries. By default, this is not enabled. -------------- Example autorejoin : enables the automatic channel rejoin when kicked out. By default, ---------- autorejoin is disabled. Example initX : set the Xth initial command to be executed when the applet starts ----- up. This is usefull when several servers needs to be automatically joined. Example Style parameters ---------------- 'Style' is the name of the library used inside PJIRC for text display. Even if this display has nothing to do with the actual irc engine, a majority of all GUI's are likely to use it. As a consequence, 'Style' is included in the engine package. All 'Style' parameters are prefixed by 'style:'. righttoleft : set right-to-left display, instead of left-to-right default ----------- display. Example : sourcecolorruleN : set the Nth source color rule. Rule syntax is ---------------- "type name index1=color1 index2=color2 ...". Example : sourcefontruleN : set the Nth source font rule. Rule syntax is ---------------- "type name fontname fontsize". Example : backgroundimage : toggle master background image switch. If this flag is --------------- turned off, all background images will be ignored. By default, background images are disabled. Example : backgroundimageX : background image configuration number X. Syntax is ---------------- "sourcetype sourcename tiling image" with sourcetype and sourcename the target source type and name, tiling a figure and image the image file name. Valid source types are DCCChat, Channel, Query, Status, ChanList and Default. As for the command parameter, there can't be any gap in the X indexes. Possible tiling values are: 0 : Center 1 : Stretch 2 : Tiling 3 : Top left 259 : Top right 515 : Bottom left 771 : Bottom right Example : bitmapsmileys : enable or disable bitmap smileys. Once enabled, bitmaps are ------------- defined via the smiley parameter. By default, bitmap smileys are disabled. Example : smileyX : set the Xnth smiley. A smiley is a pair of text->image. Each time ------- the text is found on a line, it will be replaced by the corresponding image. As for the command parameter, the first smiley must be smiley1 and there must'nt be any gap. The format of the parameter is "text image", where image is any URL the applet can access. Example : floatingasl : activate "mouseover" floating asl information. By default, ----------- floating asl is disabled. "asl" parameter may be also activated, but this is not mandatory. Example : floatingaslalpha : set the floating asl alpha transparency value. Between 0 ---------------- and 255, 0 is invisible and 255 fully opaque. By default, alpha value is 170. This parameter may be ignored if the java virtual machine doens't support transparency. Example : linespacing : set the additional space that will be used between two lines ----------- of text. Default value is zero. Unit is pixel. Example : maximumlinecount : set the maximum line count in the history buffer. This ---------------- can save memory for very long chats. Default value is 1024. Example highlightlinks : highlight links when mouse moves over them. By default, -------------- this is not enabled. Example GUI parameters -------------- The Pixx's GUI documentation is available in a separate file in the default package. All GUI parameters begins with 'gui:', where gui is the name of the gui. For instance, any Pixx GUI specific parameter will begin by 'pixx:'. JavaScript support ------------------ PJIRC is designed to support events from the "outside". The applet supports the following methods : void sendString(String str) : send the given string to the server, through the current source interpretor. For instance, you can bring the channel list window by calling sendString("/list") void setFieldText(String txt) : set the textfield content. String getFieldText() : get the textfield content. setFieldText and getFieldText can be combined to append text for the user. For instance, adding a smiley can be done using setFieldText(getFieldText()+':)') void validateText() : validate the current textfield content, as if the user pressed the return key. void requestSourceFocus() : request the active source to gain focus. void sendPluginEvent(String pluginName,Object event) : send the given event value to the given plugin. Object getPluginValue(String pluginName,Object valueName) : Get the plugin value from the given plugin name. void requestSourceFocus(String serverName,String type,String name) : request the given source to gain focus. If serverName is empty, the first source matching the type and name will receive focus regardless of its server. void sendString(String serverName,String type,String name,String cmd) : send the given string to the server, through the given source interpretor. If serverName is empty, the first source matching the type and name will receive the string, regardless of its server. IRCApplication getIRCApplication() : get the IRCApplication. For advanced use only. Minimal html fragment --------------------- Runtime commands ---------------- A runtime command is any text prefixed by the / character. If the so-called interpretor recognize a command, it will parse and handle it. If not, the command will be sent as it (but without the initial / character) to the server. Here are the list of all recognized commands. ame %message : send an action to all active channels amsg %message : send a message to all active channels away [%message] : configure the away status beep : send a beep to the speakers clear : clear the window ctcp %command [%parameters] : send a ctcp request to the given nick dcc %nick : send a dcc request to the given nick disconnect : disconnect from the server echo %message : echo the specified text to the active source hop : leave and rejoin the active channel ignore %nick : ignore the specified nick j %channel [%password] : join the given channel join %channel [%password] : same as j kick %nick : kick the given nick leave : leave the active source load %plugin : load the given plugin me %message : send an action to the active source msg %target %message : send a message to the given target newserver %alias %host [%port [%password]] : create a new server status notice %target %message : send a notice to the given target onotice %target %message : send a notice to all operators at the given target part : same as leave ping : ping the given nickname play %sound : play the given sound, only on the local client query %nick : query the given nickname quit [%message] : same as disconnect, but with the given message raw %command : send a raw command to the server server %host [%port [%password]] : connect to the given server sound %soundfile : play the given sound on the client and all other clients on the source sleep %millis : freeze the interpretor for the given amount of milliseconds topic %channel %topic : change the given channel's topic unignore %nick : unignore the specified nick unload %plugin : unload the specified plugin url %url [%target] : open the given url on a new browser window onserver %server command : execute the following command only if the source server matches the specified one. This is usefull when used with the commandX parameters. Contacts -------- PJIRC is developped by Plouf - Have a look at for news about PJIRC. PJIRC has an official italian website on PJIRC has a CVS repository at SourceForge :