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ManagerLeague Christmas specials! <--Back
ManagerLeague Christmas specials!

It's December, a time for festive spirits, hymns, presents, and, needless to say, football and some huge cups in ManagerLeague!
We have decided to create some division-based cups this Christmas, so those nasty top teams can't push us out in the first round

These special cups will NOT be running during a weekend, but rather on Tuesday 25th and Wednesday 26th of December.
To avoid running into sticky situations colliding with the League Cup finals and Department Cup finals and the playoff-matches, the times are also a little different.
There will be one cup per division, and the schedule looks like this:

5th and 6th division teams will have their fixtures drawn on Tuesday 25th at 16:00 CEST, and play matches every half hour from 16.30 and onwards.
1st to 4th division teams will have their fixtures drawn on Wednesday 26th at 16:00 CEST, and play matches every half hour from 16.30 and onwards.

Cup sizepic
Division 1: 128 teams
Division 2: 512 teams
Division 3: 1024 teams
Division 4: 2048 teams
Division 5: 2048 teams
Division 6: 2048 teams

We will expand the sizes if we see they fill up, but we know it's Christmas and that a lot of people might be away on vacation or simply to busy with their families and a hectic Christmas schedule.
Regardless of this, these will be some of the biggest cups we have ever held here!
It will also be a great chance to improve your team, make a lot of extra money, and make sure your players are all they can be in 2008!

The cups will NOT be credit-free, they will cost the regular 2 credits to join. After all, it's Christmas, and I should get something back from working during my Xmas Vacation

The cups will be created next week, so everyone will have 1 week to decide if they wish to join or not.

I hope to see a great turn-up for these cups, and that we will all have some extra fun at the end of the season.

The season-change will take place as usual on Thursday 27th, and the next season will start Monday 31st of December; No new years eve mercy!

Enjoy, have a great Xmas, and beware of The Spinners in the cup for Division 3!

Yours truly

Written by Spinner 11:47 14/12 2007

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70 comment(s)
By : GrannyRoboNice   12:01 14/12 2007
pictureSounds like fun

Good Work xD

Merry X-Mas

By : Guiseppe SoleGreat!   12:25 14/12 2007
pictureSomething I might have a chance in!

But what are the prizes?

Happy Christmas everyone!

By : Steven G GerrardNice work!   12:27 14/12 2007
pictureI'm looking forward to this!

Great job, Spinner!

By : Skotcool   12:31 14/12 2007
picturenice preasant, thanks...

but like was said above, are they any special prizes?

By : Strongholdkooool   12:32 14/12 2007
if i will get in i will be like weakest team, lol

By : Danjelcool, alright   12:41 14/12 2007
picturenot cred free

By : YawNMy header   12:56 14/12 2007
pictureVery nice Spinner.

How bout a custom made Christmas tree trophy to each of the winners?

By : gloinNOT COOL   13:07 14/12 2007
pictureshould have been credit free....

By : SpinnerPrizes   13:12 14/12 2007
picturePrizes are, as always, dependant on how many will play.
But the bigger ones will give 50.000.000 to the winner and 25.000.000 to the runner-up.
The winner also gets 200 credits.

If you think it should have been credit-free, you also think I should work for free during XMas, and I have a problem with that

By : FugaziGreat!   13:24 14/12 2007
pictureLooking forward to meeting you in the final Spinner............. ;-)

By : Kiwi-BobGood   13:25 14/12 2007
pictureVery good Spinner

By : KristofferWGreat!!   13:31 14/12 2007
pictureNice job Spinner

By : Mr KaizerCool   13:44 14/12 2007
pictureSounds like great fun!

By : gooolGreat !!!!   13:47 14/12 2007
pictureGood job Spinner, i love big cups

By : Adibnice   14:00 14/12 2007

By : EvensGreat !!!!!!   14:01 14/12 2007
I'm looking forward to this!

By : Nicolai KimSTOP   14:18 14/12 2007
pictureHow many of you are going to write cool? Please guys........

By : E.T.?CREDITS   14:37 14/12 2007
picturePrizes are too small for a prepay cup.

Maybe for a free cup but...

Only two prizes?

By : Wolf A Christmas Gift from ML   14:41 14/12 2007
pictureGood idea, time to be ready for the cup allready I hope the 50 000 000 or 25 000 000 is tax free

By : Sir DanielNice...!   14:44 14/12 2007
pictureLooks great Spinner...

I am looking forward

By : Guiseppe SoleFitness   14:48 14/12 2007
picture1 problem.
A 2048 team cup, 11 rounds. 3 Fitness lost per round per player and say 30 players, 2 teams inc.subs ish, then fitnesses will be REALLY LOW!

By : SpinnerMore prizes...   14:58 14/12 2007
pictureRumors has it there will be a lot of extra prizes in these cups, but stand by for more information on that!

By : SpinnerHehe   14:59 14/12 2007

Prizes are too small for a prepay cup.
Maybe for a free cup but...
Only two prizes?

What is this? Complaints from E.T.? Impossible

By : Martin A BjørnsgårdPrizes   16:06 14/12 2007
pictureSorry if this is secrets. But there are some teams (including me) who will support this cups and give prizes Winky

By : Rickycucsfitness????   16:06 14/12 2007
pictureto many games what will whe do with fitness???

By : SirLancefitness   16:17 14/12 2007
pictureFitness is no problem because its between seasons, u get back 15 fitpoints at seasonchange.

By : ManiacoFitness   16:51 14/12 2007
pictureWon't fitness be a problem, as most div. 6 /5 teams got 18 players and will end up with a fully injured team..?

By : Martin A BjørnsgårdFitness   17:01 14/12 2007
pictureRead the post made by Sirlance. Injuries is no problem at this stage of the season.

By : TomZSuper duper   17:32 14/12 2007
pictureLooking forward to this and all the money, stats I'm gonna get from playing.
See that's a great prize on it's own. The bonus is to reach the final and get the nice Christmas trophy ;-)

Good job Spinner and sponsors

By : vegaredojoin   19:08 14/12 2007
picturewhen can you join?

By : SelleriYÅW !!   19:26 14/12 2007
picturewhy cant you just read what the announcment says ? it is stated there

By : DraQulasweet   21:01 14/12 2007
picturehope the cups will be created on monday because alot of us will go on a small vacation and we need time to join ....
can't w8 for it to start good luck everyone

By : RachelGreat Christmas present   21:28 14/12 2007
pictureThanks Spinner, now I can spend my time between unpacking presents and Christmas dinnerWinky I'm sure my wife won't have a problem with me "out" for a a little timeWinky

By : scroogechristmas, giving away credits?   22:33 14/12 2007
picturewho do you think i am?a charity? im scoorge, i dont give away anything at christmas, please can this be cred freee

By : RbkmanHappy Christmas   22:49 14/12 2007
pictureNow the Christmas will be even better!!

By : tommy1911gr8   01:51 15/12 2007
picturewhat i could tell? gr8!

By : Power_MaxWowoweeeee.....   03:44 15/12 2007
picturei like this event...
i just hope my team manages to go quarterfinals...
2 credits is nothing compare to 15 credits given for free every start of the season... and besides, player improvement is definitely a much better reward.

one suggestion...
if we are concerned to much of the fitness (i too am concerned) i suggest we put to tackle to soft...

other than this...

By : MalayedNice!   03:48 15/12 2007
pictureThis is crazy!!!
I can't wait to play!
I think that everybody can get a Win-Win situation is better......
:0 :0

By : philry4nBookmarked   04:00 15/12 2007
pictureI've bookmarked the cups section on my Opera Mini. So i won't forget bout this. Great cup!

By : Bob KvarbergNice!   09:32 15/12 2007
pictureThis is great!

By : Tore PupperGreat   15:11 15/12 2007
picturelooking forward to it! But how about he trainingcamp on wednesday at 18.00...? Will it be rescheduled?

By : Ancelotti1I'm going to win!   18:18 15/12 2007
pictureI'm going to win the 3rd division cup! Winky
I really like that the cups are for divisions.

By : Dauphincool   23:57 15/12 2007

By : KING_BOSS_666cool spinner   00:07 16/12 2007
picturelooking forward to it.Good job Spinner

By : chritorCOOOOL   00:19 16/12 2007
pictureI`ll be there with bells on.

By : krakilskBEWARE   14:07 16/12 2007
pictureSpartak Trondheim will enter ^^
merry christmas Chief !

By : RachelOne question   22:15 16/12 2007

How will trainingscamp work out because the cup for the teams from div1 to div 4 will not be over at 18:00 hours

By : SirMagelsNICE   22:16 16/12 2007
pictureThis is COOL !

By : RevusNice   15:02 17/12 2007
pictureI look forward for this ..
Nice Spinner Winky

By : ChairmanExtra Furniture Prices from Chairman   15:19 17/12 2007
pictureExtra Prices from Chairman: 50 credits to the ones who beats Fifth Season, The Spinners and The Heathens

The extra price on The Heathens is due to him beating me on both league matches this season, and most probably I can blame him for not promoting to 1. div!

By : mister BobGoood!   19:45 17/12 2007

By : MrWhiteexcellent   08:40 18/12 2007

By : Wolf Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year   11:25 18/12 2007
pictureIt will be the last I do on ML this year so I hope it will be good this Christmas Cup

By : AlastairGR8   12:28 18/12 2007
picturesounds good cant wait im defiantly joining in in the cups ill look forawd to it nice work spinner

By : Alastairdont complain   12:33 18/12 2007
picturei think this is the best managerleague christmas yet and spinner obviously worked hard so seriously stop complainin u dont hav to join u know its ur decision

By : ChurchillBastards   16:40 18/12 2007
pictureyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey,finally a present

By : gloinok   19:22 18/12 2007
should have been credit free....
Spinner, my apologyzes for complaining... you are right.. it is also x-mas for you, I will join pleasently to this cup

By : E.T.?nice   23:14 18/12 2007
pictureThe best season ever .
Grate work guys.
Now, the game is more easy for new managers.
Prices for teamless players are resonable and anyone can buy 3 or 4 youngs Q71+ per season.
When I started, I also buy 4 young teamless players in my first week

By : ArerodNice   10:02 19/12 2007
pictureI'll join

By : MatJandont have enough cdt.. hoxhox   19:35 19/12 2007
picturenice i wanna join.. but dont have cdt lol..anyone donate to me.. plz..

By : CukinhaWhen...   02:42 20/12 2007
picture..are the cups beeing created after all? We are less than a week away.

By : hermann?   15:06 20/12 2007
picturehow can i join?

By : BaninNice   17:58 20/12 2007

By : xSABERxAT LAST!!!   18:25 20/12 2007


By : Martin A BjørnsgårdYes!   18:34 20/12 2007
pictureThe Christmas can't be better

By : Mrs_MacHo Ho Ho   21:50 20/12 2007
pictureExcellent - a Xmas cup. Migt have a chance with this, but disappointed it will be the day before my Department Cup final. Never Mind, Well done to Spinner, and many thanks to him for all the hard work he has done over the last year

Merry Xmas Spin

By : Antero Emanuelvery Xmas   03:26 21/12 2007
picturenice cup
who win this cup win big money magnificent
merry Xmas for all

By : Revus?   13:11 21/12 2007
picturewhat must i do for get in to this cups ?

By : SenderCup Style   00:07 22/12 2007
pictureIs it group stages, or simple knock-out ?

By : CmTo Sender   13:49 26/12 2007
pictureit will be knockout sender

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