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Sir_Henry (Top Worldclass Manager)
SexMaleClick to enlarge
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Month of birthFeb
Year of birth1985
DrugsI am NOT touching that shit!
Sir_Henrys team
FC Berber UnitedSir_Henry219
What rocks and what sucks
This rocksThis sucks
Going Out
Manager League
Harry Potter books and movies
Few spare time
Having no money Winky
The good stuff
Favorite game type 1 Sport Games
Favorite game type 2 First Person Shooters
Favorite game type 3 Fighting Games
Favorite game Manager League
Favorite artist DJ Noizzy
Favorite movie Matrix, PotC, Harry P.
Favorite actor
Favorite actress
Favorite author JK Rowling
Favorite book Harry Pothead 1-7
This is me!
I am Dutch, a weirdo (in a good way...) and funny (one says).

"Try not to bend the spoon, that's impossible.
Instead, only try to realize the truth: There is no spoon (catch that MissSpoons...).
Then you'll see that its not the spoon that bends, its only yourself."

"And what makes you think your worthy to crew the Black Pearl?
-(Very old guy: ) Truth be told I’ve never sailed a day in me life, I think I should get out and see the world while I'm still young...
You'll do make, your mark, Next
-(Other old guy: ) My wife ran off with my dog an I'm drunk for a month and I don't give a ass rats if I live or die!
Perfect, next!"