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ManagerLeague Beta #2 <--Back
ManagerLeague is now well into it's second beta-test. Many issues have been improved, and the game keeps getting better. Happily we also see new people join in as time goes by.
The current beta-test is soon ready to begin it's 3rd season, and will run for 5 more.

If you are new, ManagerLeague is an online football-manager game, where you control your own team in a huge online league. Train your players, build your stadium, buy and sell players, manage your finances, fight for promotion or to avoid relegation, find the right tactics for your team, and remember to take good care of injured players. I always fealt that a hot cup of tea can cure almost anything A broken leg you say ???

So prepare yourself, prepare your team, and if you haven't got a team yet, go to Da Games and make sure you are ready for when the season starts!

Anyway, this is a good time to get your team ready, as there is a limited number of accounts available atm. So get in, and have fun!

Some people believe football is a matter of life and death.
I'm very disappointed with that attitude.
I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.

- Bill Shankly

Written by Spinner 18:49 05/08 2004

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