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Very tiny update <--Back
There was just a tiny update on the servers.

It contained a couple of fixes, some updated images, some updated language-files, some small adjustments to the teaminfo-page (the popup with a teams general information) , an increase in the number of friendlies you can play before you are unable to accept open challanges (from 50 to 75), and a few more xhtml standarisation fixes.

More importantly, this update was done as preparation for a new payment-method we are about to support, something called Payex, which is widely used in scandinavia. So, as I hope to launch this solution VERY soon, I had to prepare our servers for it, and thus I figured I could do the small updates at the same time.

So thats it really, play and have fun, and we shall see who gets to win the current competition soon enough

Written by Spinner 16:17 10/03 2006

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