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Recent changes (Updated) <--Back
Here is an Easy-To-Read list of recent changes and updates to ManagerLeague:

- Brand new training model for individual player attributes. The changes are most noticable in regards to the "match-training", the extra training players get during a match. This new change gives the player quite simply and extra chance to train the stat he is set to train in individual training, in stead of the old "train a random stat" thingie. This results in bigger control of training, more specialised players, and more different players.

- New players will NOW get a freshly made team (the old attempt failed to work as intended, so players joining late have suffered too much in some cases, they could even start with injured players)

- All players will gain 2 fitness points every training-tick regardless of what they are training. (Up until now, the players have gained just 1)

- Cups have now been altered when it comes to Highest and Lowest division. Divisions are now "grouped" to allow for , hopefully, more decent cups. In effect, you can no longer start a cup for Div2-Div3 teams, if you want the 2nd div, you have to have the 1st div too.

- Bigger rewards (cash and eggs) for all promoted teams and top 3 positions in Div 1. Previsouly, all promoted teams got 2.500.000 and no eggs / credits, this has been changed to 5.000.000 and 3 eggs / credits.

ManagerLeague is being constantly improved and a lot is happening these days, in preparations for the new version. With the smacking good new design on the way, and a bunch of other improvements to various in-game system and a lot more I cant reveal yet, we have much to look forward to.

Added May 23rd 2005:
This weekend I have implemented a new transfer-system.
To the visible eye, it is not much different from before, placing bids, accepting, rejecting, withdrawing etc...

But there are quite a few changes here:

1: When you look at a player now, you will see if someone is currently bidding on him, and how much the bid is for. The default bid-value will be 250.000 more than the previous bid.

2: Previously, a bid made deleted any lower bids for a player. This is no longer the case. The lower bids remain until the bidding is cancelled (by the owner of the player) or the transfer has been completed.
If you are outbid, you will be messaged with the details, and you can then choose to withdraw your previous bid immidiately, or even make a new higher bid. Keep in mind, if you want to spend that money on other things, rather than waiting to see if the new highest bid is withdrawn, your bid must be withdrawn to avoid having your money tied up.

3: The "timer" on a bid, is 16 hours from the first bid on the player is made. This means, the bidder can not withdraw his bid until that time has passed, nor can the seller accept the offer until the designated time (duely printed on the Offers screen). A new higher bid from the same or any other play, will NOT prolong this timer. This timer does not depend on rounds, and will work regardless of weekdays, season-change etc.

4: A player will not automatically agree to play for any team any longer. It will not agree to play for a team it decides is "too good", to avoid spending too much time on the bench. And likewise, a player will not like to play for a team which he decides is too crap. We will look more at the details of how this should work in the weeks to come.

At 12:00 Monday, this new transfer-system will be live..
Hope you like it, and I hope it will work well.
I will of course not be shocked if something should go wrong, it may require a little more testing than what I have been able to do myself.

Thank you all again for playing, keep it up, and spread the joyfull message.
Adding the links to the recent screenshots again as a reminder:

Them screenshots:
#1 #2 #3 #4

Written by Spinner 01:25 23/05 2005

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