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Interview with Thunder <--Back
Behind the scenes, we have started a series of interviews of some prominent geese in our beloved community. We have picked from a selection of ManagerLeague league-leader, active forumists and community celebs to begin with. Do not feel too safe though, you never know when it's your turn.
This time it was Thunder, and here is the interview....

Q: How old are you, where are you from, and what sex, if any, do you belong to?
A: I'm 22 years old, male and from the Netherlands. I live near the coast in a place called Zandvoort.

Q: How long is your .... career in ManagerLeague so far?
A: I've played the first I think 10 seasons in ML, but that was before the reset, after that I didn't play any serious at all. I could only log in, and so some stuff from time to time due work.

Q: What is your team in ML called atm, and which division is it in?
A: Well, current no team, no division, but with some more time. I hope I get back to the game.

Q: Name the top three things about yourself that attract men/women/other....
A: I'm a very cute guy, with big breasts and a nice ass!

Q: What is the best movie you ever saw?
A: I think I will give the boring answer: The Matrix . Briljant when you see it for the first time, and still very nice to watch.

Q: What is the worst movie you ever saw?
A: The Phoenix, I watched that with two mates, and we made 3 others rent it, cause we told it was very good, that's the reason why I remember that title.

Q: What is the best game you ever played?
A: Damn, that's hard, cause in any style of game I got a favorite. But I think i've spent most hours playing Diablo, besides that stupid game you made earlier in your career.

Q: On a scale from 1 to 10, how fun are you to be with?
A: I think i'm an 8.

Q: Name the best looking actor/actress (your choice), dead or alive...
A: Denise Richards, no doubt!

Q: How did you hear about GooseGames?
A: I keep track of spinners lifecycle (lol)

Q: Do you ever read any of the articles on GooseGames, or do you just rush in to check on your team?
A: When I still had the time, I read a lot more then only articles on GooseGames. Lately, I can hardly check if the website is still up

Q: If you were alone on a remote island, and had to stay there for 1 year, which 1 person would you like to visit you?
A: I think I would like McGyver, cause he could learn me all kinda stuff to entertain myself.

Q: If you were alone on a remote island, and had to stay there for 1 year, which 1 thing would you bring with you?
A: I just need a shower, so I would pick that.

Q: If you were alone on a remote island, and had to stay there for 1 year, knowing there was a psycho killer canibal on the next island, who would you bring for protection?
A: Kilroy, he is big and ugly enough to scare anyone who wants to eat me!

Q: If you could order George Bush to do 1 specific thing right now, what would you tell him?
A: Launch an atom bom on the US, but without destroying Las Vegas! (Is that what you expected?) (lol, no!)

Q: A big burger with fries, or a chef salad?
A: I take the fries

Q: Coca Cola or Pepsi?
A: Cola Cola!

Q: A Gin Tonic or a beer?
A: Beer

Q: Your favourite quote is...
A: Hmm. I don't think I have one.

Q: Anything you'd like to add while having the attention of the GooseGamers?
A: Not really, except good luck with your own health and all of your project, which entertains bored people on the net

Thank you for your time, Thunder, and I hope we get the chance to meet again this summer in Ruchpen (I never learnt how to spell that!) I hope you get around to setting up a team again, so I can kick your butt back to the tenth division

Written by Spinner 19:25 27/02 2005

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